Wednesday, December 31, 2008

new apt drunk

- unknown amount of vodka/mango
- some amount of wine

- did not black out

- woke up in my bed

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

having ppl over in an apt full of boxes (kris finally moved his shit in)

- unknown amount of wine

- did not black out

- awoke in my new home!

Monday, December 29, 2008

finally moved in...

- some amount of wine
- 2 beers
- some amount of vodka

- did not blackout

- moved all day and awoke hurting in my bed (yay for new apt)

Sunday, December 28, 2008


- omfg 2 many drinx of everything

- mega-blackout

- woke up in the new apt with nothing in it except blankets and a minda (and a space heater due to no heat at the time)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

i only ate a granola bar...

- unknown amount of beer
- 1 glass of whiskey
- some amount of vodka
- 1 sparks

- blacked out due to only eating a single granola bar and then drinking

- woke up on andrias couch

Friday, December 26, 2008

skate skate

- a mix of ever kind of alcohol

- flashes of recognition

- awoke in my bed hurting

Thursday, December 25, 2008

christmas at the berlings

- unknown amount of wine
- 2 vodka/ginger ale

- did not black out

- awoke in a guest room at my parents

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

i had a flat tire and kate rescued me.

- 5 vodka/oj
- 5 beers

- i seriously just took a second to think if i blacked out. that would be yes.

- woke up to kates annoying phone alarm

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

bennett's parents:

- unknown amount of wine
- 1 vodka martini

- flashes

- hit the snooze button at andria's 10x (typical)

Monday, December 22, 2008

i hate sunday.

- 2 beers
- 2 glasses of wine
- 3 glasses of whiskey

- did not black out

- woke up 1000x due to horrible nightmares

Sunday, December 21, 2008

again with the dance dance

- unknown amount of vodka
- unknown amount of wine

- blacked out

- awoke like a gentleman at noon

Saturday, December 20, 2008

dance dance dance 6am

- 5 glasses of wine @ whole foods
- 1 glass of jameson
- 3 beers
- flask of vodka
- unknown amount of 'holiday wine' @ after party

- blacked out

- awoke in my bed

Friday, December 19, 2008

you, youre awesome. nst

- 3 glasses of jameson
- unknown amount of beer

- flashes of recognition

- awoke a fucking mess in my bed

Thursday, December 18, 2008

watching movies...

- unknown amount of whiskey

- did not black out

- woke up in my bed

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

you are a crazy fox

- unknown amount of everything



Tuesday, December 16, 2008

where was the ice storm?

- unknown amount of jameson

- flashes of recognition

- awoke in my bed, confused at why there wasn't terrible weather...

Monday, December 15, 2008

i'm sorry, andria with an i.

- 4 tequila/juice drinks
- unknown amount of wine
- unknown amount of jameson

- flashes of recognition

- awoke in my bed @ 4am, 5am and 6am... annoying.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

kate - "lets go home. NOW."

- 15 vodka/tonics
- 2 gin/tonics
- some amount of beer?

- blacked out

- awoke at kate's and had to get my car from tony

Saturday, December 13, 2008


- unknown amount of beer
- flask of vodka
- some amount of wine?

- blacked out

- awoke with 3hrs of sleep in my bed

Friday, December 12, 2008

suki suki suki

- unknown amount of jameson
- unknown amount of wine

- blacked out

- woke up in my bed with just socks on...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

andria kept me out way too late... i think.

- unknown amount of jameson
- 1 22oz sapporo
- 1 lg vase of sake
- wine?

- blacked out

- awoke hitting my snooze button twice in andria's bed

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

it was for andrea with an E, you god damn fools.

- unknown amount of jameson (typical)

- flashes of recognition

- awoke in bed w/a book on my head

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Helping Kat escape...

- unknown amount of Jameson

- flashes of recognition

- awoke in my bed, a tired mess.

Monday, December 8, 2008


- flask of vodka
- 4 glasses of jameson

- did not black out

- awoke on kris' sofa

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Playtime in the snow/Apples at the Tavern

- unknown amount of wine
- unkown amount of vodka
- 1/4 flask of jameson at once
- 4 beers

- blacked out

- awoke at andrias

Saturday, December 6, 2008


- unknown amount of wine
- flask of whiskey
- some vodka
- 4 beers
- 3 sparks

- flashes of recognition

- woke up a god damn mess in bed with andria

Friday, December 5, 2008

again with the free bar...

- unknown amount of wine
- who knows how many shots...
- 2 beers

- blacked out (kat driving me home, i would assume)

- awoke feeling fantastic

Thursday, December 4, 2008

tried to not drink as much. fail.

- unknown amount of wine

- did not black out

- awoke with decent sleep in bed

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

last day of vaca sober

- 2 whiskey/oj

- tossed and turned in bed due to lack of alcohol

- 2hrs of sleep...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


- unknown amount of wine

- flashes of recognition

- awoke in my pjs

Monday, December 1, 2008

i spilled wine everywhere

- unknown amount of shots
- unknown amount of beer

- blacked out

- and awoke on my couch

Sunday, November 30, 2008

up until 630am

- unknown amount of everything

- blacked out

- awoke at some girls house i still don't know the name of...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

who knows where i was...

- 2 sparks
- 3 glasses of whiskey
- unknown amount of wine
- 3 pom margaritas
- pearl sake
- i think we drank a lot of vodka...

- blacked out

- awoke in my bed like a gentleman

Friday, November 28, 2008


- unknown amount of wine
- unknown amount of beer
- 2 glasses of whiskey

- flashes of recognition

- awoke at my apt

Thursday, November 27, 2008


- unknown amount of jameson
- 2 ciroc martinis
- 2 shots of patron
- unknown amount of vodka/oj/lemoncello/sparkling water

- blacked out

- awoke on a couch @ parents

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

refill @ Party Source

- 3 whiskey/cider
- 4 glasses of whiskey

- did not black out (no real memory, but remember minda bitching about going to bed at some point around 1:30am)

- same old bed. same old pj's. yawn.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


- unknown amount of whiskey/cider

- blacked out

- woke up a gd mess in my bed

Monday, November 24, 2008


- 2 bottles of wine
- 1 cider/whiskey

- did not black out

- awoke in my stupid bed to go to my stupid job

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday Night:

- unknown amount of beer
- 2 glasses of whiskey
- sparks
- unknown amount of orange juice/vodka
- 2 wild cards
- 1 glass of cider/whiskey
- 2 vodka shots

- blacked out

- awoke on couch at my apt

Saturday, November 22, 2008


- unknown amount of beer
- 2 glasses of whiskey
- 1 memosa
- unknown amount of vodka/ok

- blacked out

- awoke in my bed in clothing from night before.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Making stuffing for work:

-unknown amount of wine
-2 glasses of whiskey
-unknown amount of vodka/oj

-blacked out

-awoke in my martini pj's in my bed

This is a celebration of life.

The goal of this blog is to keep track of my daily drinking life in a simple manner.

It will contain what I had to drink, whether I blacked out and where I awoke the following morning.

The number of drinks/shots of ceratin types of alcoholic beverages/spirits is going to get lost on occasion. When the word unknown appears as an amount, it represents excessive.

This is a celebration of life.

Taylor Tower